Algorithmic and data-driven technologies have permeated multiple aspects of our lives making it difficult to be disentangled from the effects of its abuses as well. Moreover, the opaqueness of these technologies contributes to stakeholders massively under-serving some communities and underestimating the growing number of bad actors who have learned to game systems. Designing better and safer online experiences requires shedding light where powerful actors misuse and abuse algorithmic technologies, violate human rights, and harm marginalized communities in all parts of the world.
In this talk, I will present findings from multiple studies that illustrate how investigating individual differences - variance in attitudes, culture, and values - helps in understanding barriers to adopting safety behaviors. Through interdisciplinary methodologies, I offer empirical evidence that supports the development of equitable and trustworthy safety mechanisms. The findings offer key insights into how people perceive, evaluate, and address risks to their safety.