News & Events

February 03, 2020
CICS welcomed George Bissias as a Research Assistant Professor
January 25, 2020
In the spring 2020, four MITRE Corp. experts will be teaching a new 500-level course, COMPSCI 590J Cyber Effects: Reverse Engineering, Exploit Analysis, and Capability Development.  This course that will cover topics related to cyber security and... more
January 25, 2020
This course is a group-based, guided independent study taught by Jagath Jai Kumar (Research Fellow) and  Professor Brian Levine. The course goal is to build practical machine learning models to be used by professionals dedicated to rescuing children... more
October 10, 2019
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and the Cybersecurity Institute will host four guest speakers this October from government, industry, and higher education to promote cybersecurity awareness.
October 01, 2019
Professor Amir Houmansadr received a two-year $600,000 DARPA Grant to investigate the privacy of messaging applications. 
September 19, 2019
The "Stamatis Vassiliadis" Best Paper Award at FPL 2019 conference was awarded to George Provelengios, Daniel Holcomb, and Russell Tessier for their paper entitled: "Characterizing Power Distribution Attacks in Multi-User FPGA Environments"
August 25, 2019
Brian Levine gave an invited talk at the 2019 USENIX Security  Symposium in Santa Clara, California on August  15. The talk "Shining Light on Internet-based Crimes Against Children" discussed measurements of Internet-based crimes against children... more
June 10, 2019
Former UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences faculty Kevin Fu and alums Thomas Heydt-Benjamin (MS '07), Benjamin Ransford (MS '10, PhD '13), Shane Clark (BS '07, MS '11, PhD '13), and Benessa Defend (MS '08) have received the... more
June 10, 2019
Marc Liberatore, a member of the UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) teaching faculty and the associate director of the Digital Forensics Lab was selected to receive the college's 2019 College Outstanding Teaching Award... more
February 01, 2019
Amir Houmansadr recently had a paper was accepted at NDSS 2019.   Enemy At the Gateways: Censorship-Resilient Proxy Distribution Using Game Theory    Milad Nasr, Sadegh Farhang, Amir Houmansadr, and Jens Grossklags   NDSS 2019 
